Business Association

Marietta Area
Our Mission
​To form a coalition of interested parties to pool their resources to sponsor projects and programs that promote the economic, social, and physical prosperity of Marietta.
Our Objectives
Generating consumer awareness of
Marietta (and its businesses) in, and
especially, beyond Marietta,
Connecting businesses and community organizations for maximum impact, and
Supporting beautification of Marietta to make a lasting first impression.
Member Benefits
*Opportunities to promote member businesses in MABA-generated communications to consumers and businesses, including but not limited to events, social media, e-newsletters, and other advertising and promotional materials
*Listing on MABA's online business directory
*Access to members and other Marietta organizations in quarterly meetings to learn more about town happenings and how you can get your business involved
*Networking opportunities that give you access to the diverse experiences and expertise of fellow members to support your business
*Attend MABA-offered educational events at no cost
Any questions?
If you have any questions or additional information to add, please email our administrator at